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Company details

Company name: Limited Liability Company Garant-Park-Internet.
Abbreviated Company name: Garant-Park-Internet, LLC

Legal Address: 1/17, Trofimova st., floor 1, room XVIII, 115432 Moscow, Russia
Mailing Address: Garant-Park-Internet LLC, 1/17, Trofimova st., floor 1, room XVIII, 115432 Moscow, Russia 

Tel.:  +7 (499) 678-22-21 
Fax: +7 (499) 678-22-21
Email: info@invs.ru

Primary State Registration Number (OGRN): 1027739748244
Taxpayer Identification Number (INN): 7729389589
Tax Registration Reason Code (KPP):772501001 
BIC: 044525593
Correspondent acc. No.:30101810200000000593
Settlement acc. No.: 40702810701300016726 
Recipient Bank: JSC "ALFA-BANK", MOSCOW, Russia 

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