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DDoS 保护

  • 异常检测和攻击减缓
  • 网络流量监控
  • 流量计量
  • 网络优化
250 ₽
每个 IP 地址 1 个月
  • 1 Mbits
    DDoS 攻击过滤
400 ₽
每个 IP 地址 1 个月
  • 10 Mbits
    DDoS 攻击过滤
1000 ₽
每个 IP 地址 1 个月
  • 30 Mbits
    DDoS 攻击过滤
2000 ₽
每个 IP 地址 1 个月
  • 80 Mbits
    DDoS 攻击过滤



Protection from network attacks and non-signature-based malware detection

Cyberattacks have become an important weapon of corporate wars and competition. Network attacks are used as a tool of choice in dirty competition and state-scale cyberwars. A steady growth in the number of DDoS attacks and the increase of their capacity and complexity have been observed over the last few years. The role of cyber warfare in political struggle, both internal and at the inter-state level, has been growing steadily. To protect its clients, Inoventica Services uses invGUARD, the solution offered by Inoventica Technologies.

Guaranteed network stability

invGUARD ensures the monitoring of network traffic, anomaly detection and mitigation of TCP/IP network-through-application level attacks, without impairing the legitimate traffic.

Innovative traffic analysis and cleaning technologies

invGUARD is a scalable platform that ensures protection of communications service providers’ multi-service converged networks, data centers and major customers. invGUARD offers unique opportunities to visualize the network structure and the main traffic flows, track key parameters of network performance and performs rapid traffic cleaning, filtering out malicious activity.

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